Tag Archives: food

Eat to prevent cancer

Cancer is one of the top killers in our country, even in the world, and is rising quickly to be the number one reason to put us in the dirt at an early age. Have you even wondered why we might get cancer?  Have you ever thought maybe it is something in our environment that is entering our bodies somehow and causing our cells to turn into a bunch of anarchists trying to overthrow and kill us?  I think cancer is something that we as the intelligent people we claim to be should look at and say, “well I don’t ever want to die from bone cancer and put my family that loves me through that pain so maybe I should do something about it now while I’m still healthy”.  Don’t wait till your on your death bed to make a change in your diet.

Medicine aside, food that we put into our body is the only thing proven to date to prevent, stop, an reverse cancer in the human body.  Now I’m not talking about Subway turkey subs or big mac’s from McDonalds, I mean real food.  I also don’t mean the “healthy” South beach diet your on where you think your doing good because your losing weight since your body is in a cannibal state eating itself from the inside out just so It can stay alive and function properly.  I’m talking about consuming real fruit and vegetables multiple times a day throughout your life on a constant basis.  The sad thing about us as people living in the US is we don’t even know what the recommended daily intake for fruit is.  Here is what the USDA says we should consume on a daily basis in fruit.  Now keep in mind, this recommendation is based off people that sit in a chair all day at work then go home and sit on a couch watching tv and never get on treadmill to run.  Also, please see at the bottom where they say, “Make half your plate fruit and veggies”.  That should be at every meal!  The more fruit you consume the better.  What other food, carbohydrate, on this planet can you eat as much as you want all day and feel great?!?!

How Much Fruit Is Needed Daily? 

The amount of fruit you need to eat depends on age, sex,
and level of physical activity. Recommended daily amounts
are shown in the chart.

Daily recommendation*
Children 2-3 years old 1 cup**
4-8 years old 1 to 1 ½ cups**
Girls 9-13 years old 1 ½ cups**
14-18 years old 1 ½ cups**
Boys 9-13 years old 1 ½ cups**
14-18 years old 2 cups**
Women 19-30 years old 2 cups**
31-50 years old 1 ½ cups**
51+ years old 1 ½ cups**
Men 19-30 years old 2 cups**
31-50 years old 2 cups**
51+ years old 2 cups**

*These amounts are appropriate for individuals who get less than 30 minutes per
day of moderate physical activity, beyond normal daily activities. Those who are
more physically active may be able to consume more while staying within calorie

Key Consumer Message Make half your plate fruits and vegetable

Please reference the actual USDA website for more information regarding reccomended daily intakes for food.  food-groups.fruits-amount

Why don’t we follow these simple instructions that are doing nothing but benefiting us and our bodies?  The average person in our country does not even eat 1 cup of fruit on a daily basis!  I find this insane.  We, humans, the intellectual and intelligent people we are, are so stupid that we can’t even open  our eyes and realize that mother nature provides us with all the natural medicine we need?  Nope, we’d rather eat the same crappy diet that we are use to eating because it “tastes good” and society tells us its right because your favorite actor/actress is doing it or your friends are selling Herbalife so you drink some poison drinks and call it a day. We’re a bunch of idiots.  Open your eyes and before you commit to doing something such as Herbalife, South Beach or Atkins diet, or follow the book Wheat Belly, please do your own research and find out the truth for yourself.   That stuff is NOT HEALTHY!!! I mean you’re doing nothing but harming yourself.   We can’t even eat 1 cup of fruit a day?  I eat at least, at least 144 ounces of fresh/frozen fruit on a daily basis…. and that’s on a bad day!  You can’t afford it?  Cut out the McDonalds, put that money and jar and buy yourself some fruit.  Why would you rather continue to eat the same food you eat without a daily intake of fruit and veggies, just because it tastes good and your to lazy to do anything else, so that one day when you turn 45 you can be put on diabetes medicine, medicine for your blood pressure, cholesterol medicine to get all the stored up animal fat out of your clogged arteries, and then suffer the rest of your life feeling like crap because of all the side effects from the 10 different pills you take every day.

Fruit and veggies are our answer to cancer prevention.  You are probably like me in the way that I use to think all the talk I heard about fruit and veggies being labeled as “antioxidant” or “helps prevent cancer” was all just a bunch of bs.  Well I’m here to hopefully open up your eyes a little because I can tell you, its all true!  Fruits and veggies are loaded with macro and micro nutrients, phyto-chemicals, phyto-nutrients, and all types of flavanoids depending on color.  All of these nutrients work toward the same goals in our bodies.  Most importantly, they keep our cells from oxidizing!  Why do you think they always label fruit and fruit drinks as being loaded with antioxidants?  Well yes it is a good sales pitch but also because its true!  Berries taking the rank at the top of the list in highest antioxidant counts, blueberries being number 1.  This is why we are supposed to eat fruit with every meal.  Once that hamburger goes into your stomach, on comes the oxidation process.  Carcinogenic cells from the animal meat start to oxidize in your blood system because our bodies are not made to process meat, causing free radical cells to go hay wire having a field day.  Those free radical cells attach to healthy cells  which luckily in our case die off most of the time.  Then comes the possibility of of those cells becoming cancerous.  Yes, luckily for us healthy people with great immune systems our bodies fight off the cancer cells without us ever knowing we had cancer to begin with.  But just knowing that little bit of information is enough for me to change my diet and lifestyle so that I can make fruit and veggies the center of my food consumption since they are the healthiest foods on this planet for us!

Wouldn’t you like to be ahead of the game and take a stand on preventing anything ever happening down the road later in life?  It is stupid to say, “everyone gets cancer there is nothing you can do about it”.  Now, I’m not saying by eating fruit everyday you’ll never get cancer.  What I’m saying is, by adding fruit to your diet multiple times a day, you are giving yourself a great health insurance plan.  In case anything starts to happen to your body, your antioxidants are right there to fight off the bad and keep you healthy.

Now I could go on for hours about the benefits of adding fruit, fruit, and more fruit on a daily basis but I am just trying to open up your eyes.  Get on the computer and do some research for yourself on the medical studies done that you can find for free online.  If you decide to make one simple change to your daily lifestyle, add FRUIT!!!

Please take a look at the poll and leave us an answer, it will be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!



Carbohydrates make us fat?

One of the biggest things that bothers me that I see all around and that everyone believes is that carbs make us fat.  We have all seen these popular diets on the market like the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, the Paleo diet and many more which are all a bunch of lies that make people think they are getting healthier because they will lose some weight.  Most all of these popular diets all have one thing in common, cut out the carbs because they make you fat!  Now of course, us being lazy humans just say, “well if the book says carbs make us fat then I guess its true”.  We have don’t care enough to go out and actually do the research for ourselves to see what the real truth is.  Cutting carbs out from your daily diet is one of the most detrimental things that one can do to their bodies.  Our human bodies run and operate off of one main thing, and that is carbohydrates.  They give us all the energy that our bodies need to live our lives, exercise, and have normal brain functionality.  Now, if we cut out carbohydrates from our diets,  how are we supposed to function to our fullest extent?  I think that is the total opposite of being “healthy”.

Without carbs in our body, we could never exercise to best of our ability.  It just is not physically possible.  As soon as you started to run, squat, or bench press, your body would burn up all of its stored glycogen fuel (that comes from carbohydrates) that it had to create because you didn’t supply it with any sugar, and you will be spent.  So tell me how you’re going to get “fit” again by cutting out carbs???

Cutting carbs is not the answer to weight loss!  I think if I hear that one more time I’m going to go crazy.  To our human bodies, there are two thing that makes us truly fat and out of shape an unhealthy, but we as stubborn as we are don’t want to hear it because we have grown up in a society that tells us if it tastes good eat it!  You want to know what the cause of our problem is?  Fats that we consume on a daily basis from animal based products and processed foods our bodies can not digest!  It is as simple as that.  Without the use of drugs or supplements that are just doing nothing but essentially killing our bodies slowly (that will be another topic later), we can never be as lean as we would like without cutting out animal fats and other processed fats made from crap that our bodies can simply just not digest properly.   Our bodies are not made to consume these fats which is why obesity problems are creeping up higher and higher every year.

Our bodies need CARBS, CARBS, and more CARBS!!!  To be in optimal health, we need to consume a diet based on plants, vegetables, fruits, beans, rice, and potatoes.  This is where we will get all the nutrients and calories that are bodies need to actually perform the way that it needs to.  You will see your weight start to drop naturally because your body is getting rid of all the crap that it had stored up and your not feeding it constantly the same crap over and over again.   Consuming all these natural carbohydrates, we will feel like we are on top of the world.  You will be able to exercise a lot more efficiently than you use to.  You’ll be able to run longer, bike longer, or just do about anything you feel like doing because you’ll actually have enough natural energy built up that you won’t feel lazy or fatigued as you normally would have felt doing the same exercise.

It comes down to this.  All of these diets are scams and lies.  Why can’t we open our eyes and see the true picture of how these diets are making us lose weight and get unhealthy?  It is not the carb cutting that gives you the weight loss.  It is the fact that they make you restrict your caloric intake so much that your body has no other choice but to eat itself to stay at peak performance.  This is UNHEALTHY!  There is nothing healthy about the South Beach Diet.  There is nothing healthy about the Atkins Diet.  There is nothing healthy about eating a palm sized serving of chicken with half a carrot and a couple grains of rice!  That my friends is called starvation.

So do you want to know the easiest, smartest, and healthiest way to lose weight, get lean, and be healthy?

1)  EAT YOUR CARBS!!!!!!  You can never have enough natural plant and fruit based carbs in your diet.  Especially if you are an athlete or you train and exercise frequently.

2)  Cut out all processed foods!!!  You don’t need them, your body doesn’t need them.  The only thing they do is hold you back and ruin your body.

3)  Reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet!!!  Our bodies do not process these fats, we don’t know what to do with them.  So what happens? We get fat bellies, cellulite on our butts, and excess fat around our muscles (even though society tells us to eat our meat to get lean! haha).

4)  Eat a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, rice, beans, and potatoes.  Do this for a week and you’ll feel that best you have ever felt in your life.  Your body will thank you just by consuming fruit with every meal of your day.

So please, can we try to be a little less naive and ignorant when it comes to our health and our bodies?  Do a little research, see what the facts are.  See what the truth is.  See what the studies show.  Don’t just read a book and decide to change your life because it tells you not to ever take a shower again because showers cause you to grow a third leg.

Lastly, do not wait until your extremely sick or on your death bed to make a change in your life.  Do it now!  Prevention before treatment is the answer and there is only one way to achieve that, with the food that you eat today!

Also check us out on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/truthaboutveggies



Why do we believe all the nutritional lies?

Are we as humans really this dumb?  We are supposed to be intelligent creatures, but everyday I realize that we are not as smart as we perceive to be.  Why do we believe everything that society tells us?  Why can’t we be the intellectual beings that we think we are and go out and research something before we actually do it just because “society” says its right?  These are some of the questions that I have been asking myself lately.  I have been seeing more and more of all these nutritional lies being spread around that people, including friends and close family, are falling into thinking it is going to change there lives for the better and make them healthy!   This blog was created to expose the truths about health and nutrition.  To expose the lies that society wants us to believe.  To try to help people understand really what we are supposed to eat and how that food actually works in our bodies.  I want to show people that might not have enough time to do a bunch of research but go out and buys the South Beach Diet book because it promises weight loss, that it is a very unhealthy diet.  I want to try to open up peoples eyes and make them care about there health before it’s to late.  I ask you to please stick around because there will be tons of posts and videos coming regarding health, food, exercise and much more.  Thank you!